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Naistenpäivän komiikkafestivaali 2025!

Fri 07.03. | 19:00


For the fifth time during Women’s Day week, the restaurant Manala will be dominated by comedy by women!

The festival will feature various performances throughout the week, including stand-up solos, a spoken word matinee, a comedy workshop for women and a humorous quiz!

PROGRAM: 3.3.2025 at 17-19.30, Manala basement
Comedy workshop for women and women lovers! A low-threshold introduction to the world of stand-up. For a good two hours, professional comedians will share their best tips on how to do stand-up!
*In Finnish and English
Tickets 15e, Discount tickets 5e (unemployed, students, pensioners)

4.3.2025 at 19-20.00, Manala Cellar
Bahar Tokat stand up solo: Kebabia perkele!
*In Finnish
Tickets 15e

5.3.2025 at 19.00-21.00, Manala Cellar
Clown and comedian quiz! This topical, absurd and oh-so-fun quiz is hosted by stand-up comedian Eeva Vekki and clown and musician Iika Hartikainen.
*In Finnish
Tickets 15e

6.3.2025 at 19.00-21.00, Manala Cellar
Tiina Henkola: From computer woman to senior comedian
*In Finnish
Tickets 20e

7.3.2025 at 19.00-21.00, Botta’s Tina-club
Ursula Herlin = Miellyttäjä
*In Finnish
Tickets 20e

7.3.2025 at 20:00, Manala Cellar
Bahar Tokat: Kebab for Helvete!
*På svenska
Biljetter 15e

8.3.2025 at 15.00-17.00, Manala Cellar
Komediakellari goes Spoken word! Spoken word -matinee celebrates women’s day with spoken word! On stage Ranja Omaheimo, Rosanna Fellman, Heli Lekka, Elina Pulli
*In Finnish
Tickets 20e

Tickets are on sale soon at Biletti!

Further information: komediakellari@gmail.com  


Fri 07.03.
19:00 - 21:00
Event Categories:


Manalan Kellari
Museokatu 10
Helsinki, 00100 Finland
+ Google Map

For the fifth time during Women’s Day week, the restaurant Manala will be dominated by comedy by women!

The festival will feature various performances throughout the week, including stand-up solos, a spoken word matinee, a comedy workshop for women and a humorous quiz!

PROGRAM: 3.3.2025 at 17-19.30, Manala basement
Comedy workshop for women and women lovers! A low-threshold introduction to the world of stand-up. For a good two hours, professional comedians will share their best tips on how to do stand-up!
*In Finnish and English
Tickets 15e, Discount tickets 5e (unemployed, students, pensioners)

4.3.2025 at 19-20.00, Manala Cellar
Bahar Tokat stand up solo: Kebabia perkele!
*In Finnish
Tickets 15e

5.3.2025 at 19.00-21.00, Manala Cellar
Clown and comedian quiz! This topical, absurd and oh-so-fun quiz is hosted by stand-up comedian Eeva Vekki and clown and musician Iika Hartikainen.
*In Finnish
Tickets 15e

6.3.2025 at 19.00-21.00, Manala Cellar
Tiina Henkola: From computer woman to senior comedian
*In Finnish
Tickets 20e

7.3.2025 at 19.00-21.00, Botta’s Tina-club
Ursula Herlin = Miellyttäjä
*In Finnish
Tickets 20e

7.3.2025 at 20:00, Manala Cellar
Bahar Tokat: Kebab for Helvete!
*På svenska
Biljetter 15e

8.3.2025 at 15.00-17.00, Manala Cellar
Komediakellari goes Spoken word! Spoken word -matinee celebrates women’s day with spoken word! On stage Ranja Omaheimo, Rosanna Fellman, Heli Lekka, Elina Pulli
*In Finnish
Tickets 20e

Tickets are on sale soon at Biletti!

Further information: komediakellari@gmail.com  


Fri 07.03.
20:00 - 21:00
Event Categories:


Manalan Kellari
Museokatu 10
Helsinki, 00100 Finland
+ Google Map


Dagmarinkatu 2, Helsinki
+358 9 5807 7707 (restaurant – reservations and other questions)
+358 9 5807 770 (sales – group reservations)


MON-TUE 11-23 | WED-THU 11-00 | FRI 11-01 | SAT 14-01 | SUN 14-23

The kitchen closes 1 hour before.


Wed 8.1–Sun 2.3. ma-to 11-23 | pe 11-00 | la 14-00 | su 14-23

Restaurant manager
Iida Piekkala

Tomi Söderström

Our sales department is open on weekdays between 10.00 – 16.00. During other hours, please call the restaurant directly when it is open.

Reserve a table